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"Wanna Play?" - Facing my childhood fear

This is a bit different from what I've done before but this is something I've been wanting to share. I don't know how many of you can relate, but as a child growing up in the 90s, I would go with my family to the local Blockbuster Video store. We would browse through the various VHS tapes to see which one would be coming home with us that week and it was a Friday night tradition that I both loved and dreaded. Our Blockbuster had an interesting layout. I don't know if the other ones were like this but in our store, the kids and family section was on the far left. The section next to it, that you had to pass to get to the cartoons mind you, was the horror section. I was a bit jumpy as a kid but very few things actually scared me to the point of nightmares. Fidget the Bat from the Great Mouse Detective primarily starred in my nightmares since his modus operandi was to pop through windows and my bed just so happened to sit under the window in the room I shared with my old...

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